Elixir Phoenix Tutorial

Welcome to Tutorial Series on Elixir and Phoenix. I have recently started learning Elixir and Phoenix, and as a journeyman blogging the way I’m learning the framework. Join me to explore the alchemy.


While browsing for solution to a concurrency problem, I was introduced to Akka and Actor model, I gave it a spin and liked it instantly. Though I could use akka only for my hobby projects, it greatly changed the way I thought about concurrent programming. **While at Morgan Stanely, for re-write of a batch processing system, we modelled each transformation as an actor and tried to apply some of actor based concurrency principle. The new batch processing system with hand-full of classes(actors) which shared no state gave us 5-6X of performance improvements in production.

Akka introduced me to erlang and from erlang I entered the world of alchemists.

Elixir is the coolest kid out thr and son of the best in industry - Ruby and Erlang. It inherits the beautify of Ruby and the muscle power of Erlang(VM). Elixir is functional language which compiles to Erlang byte code, and that means you can use all the Erlang libraries and tools.more praise for the elixir

The way I learn is by doing, and believe that learn-by-doing is the only way you can completely grasp a subject [And to be a master at it teach it to someone else].

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.

Richard Branson

So I built UberOnline using Elixir & Phoenix.

Use case

I use Uber for my office commute and have fixed Home-Office and Office-Home route. Uber app is amazing and quite user friend but I prefer web-apps and wished for a single click booking for my daily routes.